Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week #8 -- 50 miles

Summary for week ending Sunday, February 21 2016:

Number of workouts: 7
Total miles run: 50.42
Average miles per run: 7.20

Miles in February: 142.80
Miles in 2016: 326.80

Only on the treadmill one day last week -- weekdays of running in the cold, only to be rewarded at the weekend by comfortable spring-like temperatures. Last week -- 15F on Sunday drove me inside. This week, it was mid-50s when I went out for my 14-mile long run, overcast and a little sprinkly, but it warmed to about 60 with the sun coming out. Mid-run I felt a little full (like the peanut butter toast I had eaten mid-morning had expanded to fill up my whole stomach) but after a water and Gu break a little after 7 mi, I felt a lot better for no obvious reason. I crushed the last 10K, running much faster than I think I probably should have based on miles per minute and my training plan, but it felt easy and comfortable so I just went with it. Ended up feeling like one of the best-ever long runs. I got up to 50 miles this week -- building up at just the right rate.

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