Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cold coldy cold

Because the sun was out, and I couldn't bear another run on the treadmill, I ran outside in spite of the cold. The air temperature was tolerable (20F) but it was the knife edge of the wind (20 mph with stronger gusts) that was brutal. Still, I enjoyed running on the very frozen trails and even trudging through some packed snow here and there left over from last week. I was coming up into one of the most exposed parts of the run, where a thin ribbon of trees cuts across a wide-open hayfield, when I must have disturbed a gathering of turkey vultures. They flapped their heavy wings and settled themselves on branches of a sleeping tree. Earlier in the week, I had seen this picture on Facebook:

and that is almost exactly what this looked like. I laughed, and then I got the heck out of there.

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