Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week #3

Summary for week ending Sunday, January 17, 2016:

Number of workouts: 5
Total miles run: 36.84
Average miles per run: 7.37

Miles in January: 99.51
Miles in 2016: 99.51

No run shorter than 10K this week. During every run, I felt better and better as I went along, particularly Sunday's long effort. For that run, I was feeling so fine I added about 3/4 of a mile more than the last two weeks to hit 11 on the day -- turned on the metronome and turned out the miles. Had I gone fifteen minutes later today, I would have ended the run in snowfall. I guess it is really winter now. I wore a new pair of tights (a Christmas gift) today that were maybe a little too much for the 37 degrees -- they seemed a little more reinforced against weather that we weren't quite having yet and there were times when I felt a little constrained and warm. I hate having to wear long pants to run, but when it dips below 40, I'm just not comfortable enough in shorts (unless it's a race -- then I might tough it out). It isn't going to be very warm this upcoming week, so I may get an opportunity to use them in more appropriate conditions (assuming I don't wuss out and hit the treadmill instead, which will probably happen at least once). How long is it until spring?

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