Friday, January 15, 2016

Subconscious is overthinking it

Last night, I dreamed I was running a marathon that had three laps of a course that (unsurprisingly) in some places ran through buildings and in one of those buildings, it went up some stairs to a window, several stories up, from which participants had to jump / fly / otherwise get down. It was also raining. In the areas that were not inside, where I could actually run, it was almost impossible to do so. In addition to almost always following unconventional courses, I can never really run in dreams; I'm always bogged down by legs that won't work right and I end up crawling or dragging myself along with my arms. Same difficulty occurred in this dream, and on top of it, I was terrified of having to jump out that window, over smaller buildings and what looked like someone's laundry line -- and would have to do it more than once! I was very annoyed that the course was so difficult -- evidently I hadn't known it was a three-lap loop course involving stairs and jumping out a window -- I wasted all that training to do a race where there was no hope of running a good time?!

This, I suppose, is my punishment for taking an unscheduled rest day and declaring that I would not feel guilty about it. Evidently, somewhere, my brain does feel guilty about it.

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