Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016's first race registration

After discussing with B, my decision to run the Vermont City Marathon over Memorial Day weekend was solidified and I registered today so as to secure the super early bird rate ($99).

While registering in 2014, I discovered they have a preferred start corral and if you've run under certain cutoff times for different events after a certain time frame, you're in. I took advantage of it then, having run under the 1:35 barrier for the half marathon (if only just) at the Caesar Rodney in March 2014. I haven't run that fast since, so I figured I was out of luck this time (I'd hoped that maybe I could update my registration later if I happened to run faster this spring). Fortunately, I found that their cutoff time frame for the preferred corral is January 1, 2014 -- so it looks like I can double-dip with my Caesar Rodney time. I'm pretty happy about that; it was nice to have a special, non-busy chute to walk through to the starting line, and be guaranteed not to have someone who didn't belong up toward the start clogging the front.

Also, they will have personalized bibs: I requested that mine say CRUSHER. It's more interesting than just having my first name, no?

While we're talking about races, it's still forecast to be pretty rainy tomorrow morning, so the odds that I run the Mayor's Icicle 10-miler (not so icy?) look slim. I'll check the conditions early in the morning and make the call then.


UPDATE, 1/10/16: Yeah, it's raining. If it were a race I'd been looking forward to and working toward for a couple months, I'd have gotten tough and gone. But I only learned about it last week, so I will allow myself to be not tough about it.

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