Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week #13 -- learning lessons

Summary for week ending Sunday, March 27, 2016:

Number of workouts: 6
Total miles run: 47.70
Average miles per run: 7.95

Miles in March: 203.41
Miles in 2016: 575.28

Not as many miles this week, due to increase in intensity of quality runs (though, too late to change the daily miles, I decided to swap one of those intense quality runs to next weekend). I felt good to start the week, felt less good in the middle, and ended the week feeling OK because I think I've finally learned the importance of running actually easy. I will carry that lesson with me going forward.

15 miles today, overcast but temperature great for a middle-long run. Somewhere around 135 bpm effort, you just feel like you could run all day; then 10-11 miles comes around and you realize that you can't run all day, but you've still got enough left to finish what you have planned.

Next weekend is the Caesar Rodney, so I'm not going to aim for 60 miles which is what the schedule demands. If I do 50 I will be more than satisfied, but the goal is to run well at the race so I will play it by ear, as far as mileage is concerned.

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