Monday, March 7, 2016

Week #10 -- take it easy

Summary for week ending Sunday, March 6, 2016:

Number of workouts: 7
Total miles run: 42.65
Average miles per run: 6.09

Miles in March: 42.65
Miles in 2016: 414.51

This was a scheduled step-down week. Weather was generally poor and chilly but not so bad so as not to get outside much, though when I did I typically had to contend with wind as well. The weekend quality workout on Sunday was very good -- not nearly so windy as last weekend (though it is March, so ...) but right at the temperature line where shorts is maybe slightly too cold but tights would definitely be too warm. 2 mi E + 6(5 min T) + 2 mi E with the T at 7:10-7:15 pace felt very good and my legs feel quite recovered from it today; I will still rest them as scheduled and look forward to ramping the mileage back up in the opposite temperatures forecast for later this week. While out around the reservoir a couple times this week I heard red-winged blackbirds, a sound that means warm sunny countryside to me; I took that as a welcome sign that perhaps the snow that we saw on Thursday might be the last for the season. The clock changes next weekend too, so this will be the last week I will have to worry that I might be out running when twilight drops, and I won't be confined to the park with the lights anymore. The first after-work trail session of the spring always makes me happy.

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