Friday, April 15, 2016

More racing?

I try to get back to Iowa sometime every spring to visit my family, usually for a long weekend. I didn't last year, because the weather was bad in March and I took time off to run Boston, then this and that. This year, not running Boston has made it easier to fit my usual spring Iowa trip in again. I've made my travel arrangements, and I'm going to Iowa City at the end of the month. I looked at the Iowa race calendar at Fitness Sports to see if there might be any 5K or 10K or something to do while I am there, and discovered the Red Shoe Run in Iowa City which includes a half-marathon on what appears not to be a USATF-certified course that winds through the west side of town. I grew up on the east side, so I am not as familiar running-wise with that side of Iowa City, but perhaps it's better on the west side than on the east side because the east side can get a little hilly. This course appears to have an up-and-down blip in the middle and a bit of an uphill in the second half, but in general it looks pretty good.

I'm interested because I've been kind of wanting to run a race back home, but I'm a little on the fence about it because with my current race registration schedule, I'd be doing road races three weekends in a row:

April 23: 10-miler in Lewes
May 1: half-marathon in Iowa City
May 8: half-marathon in Wilmington

I'm not as worried about the impact of the 10-miler, as I can use that more or less as the week's long tempo workout and an easy long run the next day should be OK. The May 8 half is meant to be a final tune-up to gauge where I am before Vermont City and would also take the place of a long tempo workout. I think I can do the same with the Iowa City half; two long tempo efforts on the schedule for that week, making this race one of them should also be OK.

Last year's top 5 times for women were:


Judging by that, even if I run another meh result like Caesar Rodney, I could place well (unless quicker ladies get wind of the race and sign up this year and make it more competitive, which happens). And I may not run better than meh because I don't always feel all that great running right after I get to Iowa. Something about a day of traveling, usually involving poor eating and hydration, taking some time to get some rest and adjust to the time zone and altitude (haha! But seriously, Iowa City is about 500 ft higher than here.). I will have to run and get a workout in that day anyway, might as well enjoy it on the west side of my home town. I'll think about it.

I wanted to race more this year, as I think it's a good way to get hard efforts in, get sharp, and keep tabs on where my training is getting me. Last year I only did three races (!) the whole year: Caesar Rodney before Boston, then Boston, and then Des Moines with no tune-up in the weeks before. For the later marathon, I didn't really like not having a race under my belt as a gauge. I could only use what I'd done at Boston six months earlier. Three races in three weekends might sound like a lot, but if I don't go to the well during them, it shouldn't be much different than the hard workouts that were already on the plan for those weeks. Maybe it will be a mistake, but either way it's something I will have to learn by doing.


Daniela said...

Hmm...never looked up the Red Shoe half course before. The hill on Foster Road is pretty steep. Camp Cardinal BLVD is just never ending up hill. Not all that steep, just long! But, between the two is pretty least for this area of town. It winds on a trail that goes through a wooded area next to Ashton Cross Country Course. It is nice that the last little bit is downhill. There used to be 3 half marathons in the area in the spring that would spread out the participation. One of those is no longer occurring. We are doing the other one (Marion Arts Festival) on May 21st.

crusher said...

After the Caesar Rodney climb I feel ready for anything Camp Cardinal will throw at me. :-) This race is evidently half of "Iowa's Longest Marathon" where you run this one and the half at the Run for the Schools in October and get special medals (and they add your time for a "marathon"). If I could plan that far ahead, I might have done it :-)

Daniela said...

I have found that I would rather go into a race over estimating this hills than underestimating. People had really scared me about the Des Moines marathon hills, so when I came upon them I didn't think they were all that least not compared to what I was expecting. They added the "Iowa's Longest Marathon" two years ago I think. Good marketing to encourage people to do both :)

crusher said...

I surveyed the Des Moines course the night before the race, so I was ready for those hills. I think the only one that really worried me was the long one on Grand, early on, because it seemed neverending -- and that ended up not being much of a problem after all. It was more after the neighborhood of hills that I had a low point, but fortunately I got through it.

The elevation profile for this IC race makes some of the hills look pretty ugly (looking at these profiles usually exaggerates hills in my mind) so I will no doubt overestimate too. Though still not 100% decided on this one. This weekend will be tough on my legs, I will have to see how well they recover over the following week.