Monday, April 4, 2016

Week #14 -- step down, race

Summary for week ending Sunday, April 3, 2016:

Number of workouts: 5
Total miles run: 38.24
Average miles per run: 7.65

Miles in March: 222.56
Miles in April: 19.09
Miles in 2016: 613.52

Kept the running easy and shorter so as not to 100% train through the half-marathon, mostly running on the trails. Legs were pretty fresh for the race, too bad the weather didn't cooperate a little better. The Caesar Rodney might have been a poor race, but it turned out to be a pretty solid workout -- 13+ miles averaging approximately 7:30/mi. A bit faster than expected MP while being slower than T, probably did my legs a good turn. They were a little achy the next day, but that might have been from the downhill more than anything. Won't expect it to be a problem the rest of the week.

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