Saturday, May 21, 2016

More birds

I was doing laps at Paper Mill Park during a tempo run, and there are probably a bazillion geese there at any given time. Mostly they ignore the people around, barely even stirring when they are standing in the path and people walk or run by. I still give them as much space as I can without going way out of my way to avoid them, though. I don't like to antagonize them if they appear to be anxious about me. This time, there was a group of three families, with around 15-20 goslings between them, hanging out in one of the soccer fields. Two parents were keeping guard near the path, and as I approached, they hissed at me. I found myself saying "I know! I'm sorry!" as I passed.

Did I just apologize to geese?


Another weekend bird encounter: nature is amazing and unpleasant all at the same time.

1) As I ran on a bridge across the White Clay Creek, I saw a blue heron standing in the water, a large, gasping fish hanging out of either side of its long beak. It hopped up a few stones to stand at the top of a short waterfall. I stopped to watch it for a minute or two until I realized that what I was doing was watching the fish dying; I didn't need to see that. I ran off, leaving the heron to its lunch.

2) The grass all around the reservoir was freshly mowed, which smelled wonderful in the sun; but I'm guessing that some small things did not survive the event, based on the presence of three gigantic turkey vultures that were stalking around in the shorn field. As beautiful as the blue heron was, the vultures ... not so much. But it's not their fault they have to have bald, ugly heads. If I had to spend my life plunging my head into gross roadkill too, it would be easier to not have to worry about it being stuck in my hair all the time.

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